Yiynova MSP19U (pen tablet monitor)

If anyone is still having issues with pen sensitivity or the dual monitor issue I recommend downloading the drivers from waltop.com. Works like a charm.

I have my monitor/ tv set up as the primary and the Yiynova as the secondary. No issues at all with dual and have the full range of pressure sensitivity allowable on the tablet.

It should be noted I have the MSP19. Not the MSP19U.

Any questions, Let me know.


I have just recently purchased a Yiynova MVP20U+RH drawing monitor to use the ToonBoom Storyboard Pro 5.1 (version used at present) software. I have been reading up that ToonBoom does not officially support Yiynova tablets, and i have seen evidence in my attempt to use ToonBoom software while having a dual monitor setup that there is an offset. it works fine with just one monitor naturally. Has there been any further progress on getting this relationship with Yiynova to allow ToonBoom to fully support Yiynova Tablets, particularly, with dual monitor setups?