Harmony 11.1 PDF Utility import problem - urgent!

Dear ToonBoom,

Please I need some help with importing PDFs. I am going over the command prompt executing from the C:…\bin folder the following

Pdfimport PDF C:\Users\user\Desktop\mario.pdf

and I get as a message :

wrong Preference type : position
wrong Preference type: DT_PencipTipModeItem
wrong Preference type: position
TUPreference: : load: No preference file specified

and the file couldn’t get imported. I searched for a preference file in

C:\Users\user\AppData\Roaming\Toon Boom Animation\Toon Boom Harmony\full-1110-pref

but found nothing…

What am I missing? I want to import the PDF into the library and save it as a tpl… I am running the command prompt as an administrator.

Thank you!

Hi Lisun,
Which specific build number of Harmony 11.1 are you using ?
Unfortunately, I was not be able to find any purchase information under your account.

Hello Wei,

I am using ToonBoom at my university, the number is 11.1.0 (9746)

Thanks a lot!