Weird anti-aliasing behaviour

Hello again,

something’s messed up with the AA.

Yesterday I noticed that one of my projects became edgy, like AA has been completely turned off.
This is in the render view, but also after exporting as PNG.
Here’s a screenshot:

Then I checked another project of mine which seems to be okay:

But the layer settings are identical.

Then I thought maybe it has to do something with the project itself, so to narrow down the problem I dragged the edgy drawing from screenshot 1 into the library, opened the other project from screenshot 2, and imported the edgy drawing to the stage.
It turned out to be completely fine and the edges are very smooth as they should.

Both okay:

Good, so it must be the project.

But then I opened a brand new project, imported the drawing and for any reason it’s edgy again as seen in the first screenshot…

What on earth am I missing? :frowning:


in the Harmony prefs under “node view”, AA quality is set to high and the exponent to 1.
Under OpenGL, full scene AA is disabled (has always been).

It depends on the type of export…

If you’re exporting OpenGL frames the antialising is entirely screen-based and
is controlled by the preference preference setting on the OpenGL tab called
“Full-Scene Antialiasing”

If you’re doing a different type of export, you will need to use this custom
script to set the antialiasing of every layer (element) to low.

function TB_Disable_Antialiasing ()
for (var sel_index = 0 ; sel_index < selection.numberOfNodesSelected(); sel_index++)
var node_name = selection.selectedNode( sel_index );
print( “—” );//Use these Print to see the action done in a shell
print( node.getTextAttr( node_name, 1, “antialiasingQuality” ) ); //Use these Print to see the action done in a shell
node.setTextAttr( node_name, “antialiasingQuality”, 1, “LOW” );
print( node.getTextAttr( node_name, 1, “antialiasingQuality” ) ); //Use these Print to see the action done in a shel

Use the Script Editor to enter this script as a new script and then add it to the scripting toolbar to use it.