Unable to import images.

Hi guys.
I downloaded the free trail for Animate Pro. I worked with Harmony many times at work, which is very similar to this version, But every time I try to import images I get an error message. Maybe it has something to do with Windows 7? Or security? Does anyone know how to fix this? Here is the message I get.

"Cannot copy file “C:\Users\My Name\Documents\Page1rough.psd” to "C:\Users\JEFFMA~1\AppData\LocalTemp\ToonBoomSessionTempDir\2380\elements\Page1rough.2\Page1rough-1psd’: (The system cannot find the path specified.)

Kind of frustrating. I think it must be because of security with the local temp folder? I am finding a lot of annoying things with windows 7 and all their hidden files and security…

Okay… I guess no one knows then…

I get another error when I start the Animate Pro trail. It says this -
'Could not use application temporary directory as render cache. Render cashing is not functional.'

Anyone have any ideas?

It may very well be a Windows issue. I’m afraid all I can tell you is I’ve got Animate Pro PLE on my iMac and I just tried importing a .jpg and a .psd file and it worked perfectly.

Hopefully someone using Windows 7 will respond with something more helpful.

I figured it out! YES! It all has to do with windows 7 security. when I click on Animate pro, it right click and choose run as administrator. Then it will load, no problem. I can import files too… Finally…