Tweening key poses

I’ve just drawn a walk cycle and have timed it out on 3’s.
I now want to put it on 1’s.
I want Toon Boom to inbetween for me and cannot get it to happen! :-<br />I’ve followed the online tutorials and tried attaching a peg to my drawing element and R/C then chose “set non constant segment” but still no inbetweens.
Any suggestions?

Well, Toon Boom Studio can’t tween between drawn key-poses…
This is only possible with posed Cut Out Characters…

Please check some of JK’s marvelous tutorials:


I hope you will take advantage of the tutorials I’ve provided. I think you will find them beneficial.

I’ll also try to explain here how TBS creates tweens. First of all you want to differentiate between drawing and the display of those drawings. If you have a series of drawn poses then movement is created by the degree of change between pose A and pose B. You as the animator control the speed and extent of the change by how long a pose is seen and how much visual variation you create in the next pose. Drawn inbetweens fall between major poses and essentially reduce the amount of change between those major poses. So if you are drawing an action broken down into major poses you control all the changes yourself.

When you “photo-render” your animation you additionally can control the way your drawn objects are displayed. You can control their display location, size, and orientation with respect to other objects. These controllable aspects of how an object is displayed are called key parameters or display parameters. The basic keys that can be set for object display at the individual frame level are location, rotation, scale, and skew as well as opacity and color. TBS is designed to be able to extrapolate a function of values that would fall between two parameters of the same type.

For example if you tell it two different rotational positions of an object and you tell it how many frames exist between those two values and you also tell it the weighted distribution of how the change between those two values should be calculated, then TBS can render on the in between frames the various display changes of your object frame by frame. That rendering of variations in display parameters is called Tweening. Pose A will still be pose A and pose B will still be pose B but you can control the way those drawn objects are displayed.

TBS can’t create changes in your actual drawings but it can create in between changes in how they are displayed. In classical animation terms there is drawn animation and there is camera based animation. This is true also in TBS. Drawn animation is totally the realm of the animation artist. Camera based animation is a function of manipulating how those drawings are displayed as they are rendered (this is the realm of key-framing and tweening). -JK