Transparency on a matte


I hope this is a stupid question that’s obvious to answer.

Does anyone know why a transparency is being introduced by a matte? It doesn’t show on OpenGL view, but shows up in Render view and on output.

Here’s the effect:

Here’s the timeline:

The dog drawing:

The tuba drawing:

And the matte:

Why is the dog transparent?!

Thanks for any thoughts you have!

Hi Henry

It might be the color swatch you use for the matte. Make sure it is opaque.


Thanks, Ivar - we’ll check that out.

It seems to me it’s not the dog that’s semi-transparent, it’s the tuba. If you use a semi-transparent colour for the matte, it takes that alpha into consideration. Which is pretty neat, when you think about it, because you could do a gradient if you wanted to.
