Toon Boom Harmony 22 does not work on Windows 11, does anyone know why this happens? Has anyone already solved it? Furthermore, the projects are damaged and I can no longer open them, it is very frustrating

Can someone from the toon boom company answer this, what is happening?

Greetings, my name is Mel, Solution Specialist at Toon Boom!
I have recently started in taking care of the forum.

You seem to have trouble with a recent Windows 11 update messing with your Harmony 22 software.

For the team to help you effectively, would it be possible for you to reach out to

Our support team will be more than happy to guide you and find a solution to your issue.

It would be hard for me to help you on the forum, but we can assist you on our support platform and look at your files accurately.

Sorry for the delay in answer, I have only recently came in to help out on the forum! :slight_smile: