Toon Boom 8 Still 32 Bit? Upgrade, Cross-Grade or Storyboard

I thought someone read somewhere that version 8 was moving to 64-bit. No mention of it in the release. :frowning:
I’m torn between a) upgrading to 8 b) spending a little more and cross-grading to Animate or c) buying into storyboard.

Hi, Michael,
Toon Boom Studio 8 is still 32bit software, Animate Pro 3 and Storyboard Pro are now in 64bit.
Storyboard Pro is for storyboard, and Animate Pro 3 is the more advanced for Animating than Studio.
Hope it helps.

where is 32- bit studio I can’t find it

Toon Boom Studio has been discontinued.
There is currently no more 32-bit animation
software that we provide.