Timing Columns

Timing Columns seem to disappear.

(Tho, if anyone knows how to show or activate it, may you please send a photo or video tutorial? All the tutorials I tried doesn’t have the timing column section)

Annotation 2021-03-21 011647.png

The “Timing” column type is indeed missing in the list of the available column types.

The desription of what kind of node that column has to be connected to is unclear in the documentation of Harmony 20.
It only says:
“4. In the Node view, add a new node—.”

But, I found a more precise description in the documentation of Harmony 10.
Here it becomes clear that the target node is a standard Drawing/Element node:
“4. In the Network view, add a new element module.”

But, unfortunately, in Harmony 20 the drawing tab of the Layer Properties of the drawing node doesn’t include the “Timing Columns” options anymore, although they are still shown in the current image:

Might this be a bug?