Thumbnail view for drawing layers.

I made a comment about it but i thought i’d mention it as its own thread.

In flash when you pick a graphic you can use keyframecaddy to give a thumbnail view of it (same as a drawing layer).

However there it gives you a thumbnail list with multiple rows of the drawings, and you can easily see what they are and quick click them (super great for eyes or mouth when you have a lot of them).

In comparison in toonboom i have to drag the slider or use [ ] to get the mouths i need, and it takes a ton more time when i have to go back and fourth 10 drawings to get the mouth or blink i need instead of just having a thumb i can quick click and move frames back/forward with < > keys.

Yes, something to able to have a gallery view to see them all would be a good feature.
You can always name the drawings differently to organize but to see if often better.

Curios, has there been any response to this feature by anyone at toonboom?