The Calico Monkey

This is not directly related to Toon Boom Studio. But I thought that many readers of this forum would enjoy watching these very well done simple cartoons and they might be inspirational as well. I’m sure that Will Reinhardt the cartoonist / creator would appreciate any comments so don’t hesitate to leave him a note at his website. -JK

Click here:The Calico Monkey

this goes in the direction i also prefer (the simplicity is an excellent key).
i hope to show you some of the similar kind in a few days, too.

jk, thanx for the link. i like those animations.

JK, exactly how many forums do you belong to? :slight_smile:

I appreciate the plug, and the follow up comments Rob. I’ll do my best to watch this forum and respond to any comments/criticisms.

Actually I only post here and at Flash Film Maker. You are welcomed for the “plug”. It is always a pleasure to promote a fellow cartoonist particularly one who has so much talent. -JK

For anyone interested, Will has just posted a nice new short call “Emotibot and the Butterfly” over on his Calico Monkey site. And , no I don’t work for Will as his press agent, I just think he is talented. -JK

Hey Will,

Did you download the Trial of TBS ? How do you like it so far ?

Congrats, your animation looks cool.


Hey all,
Here’s the direct link for those interested:
Emotibot and the Butterfly

Mathieu, I tried trial versions of TBS and The Tab about 2 years ago and found that the Tab was easier to use, so that’s what I use now. I realize TBS is much more of a standard though, so I may have to give it another try.

Thank you for the great comments!

You probably noticed, but the home page notes that it’s on sale for the legendary low price of $249 until June 30. I’m not an agent of Toon Boom (most of the time), but I’ve been telling everyone I know who’s into animation about this.

For anyone interested, Will has posted a new episode on his Calico Monkey site. I’m sure he would appreciate having you visit and if you want drop him a note while your there to tell him what you think. -JK