TBS 7.0 Installation error

I am trying to install the TBS 7.0, and encounter this error:

Feature: Program
Comppnent: Res-Contest help
File: C:\Program Files (x86)\Toon Boom Animation\Toon Boom
Studio 7.0\Resources\help\octopus_animation\Scene-001\Drawing?1.tbd
Error: The Filename, directory name, or volume label syntax is incorrect.

Tried many times, still can’t install the program


Can you send your request to support@toonboom.com ?
We will contact you are work this out.


Best regards,
François Grossin
Technical Support Specialist
Toon Boom Animation

I send an email to the techsupport@toonboom.com, but no reply, so I post it in this forum.

Now, I think may be I resend to support@toonboom.com instead.