TBS 3.0 Crashes - Undo

Every time I try to press undo(using command+z OR by clicking it via the drop-down menus) my TBS completely dissapears, it is no longer on the dock, nor is it running when i check by pressing F9.
I tried updating my Mac OS X 10.3 to Mac OS X 10.4.6 and the problem still happens.
Funny thing is: in a brand new document, the problem DOESN’T happen. Re-saving my project and/or saving it under another name does NOT solve the problem.

What gives? =\


Would it be possible to know the build number of your software. You can get that in the Toon Boom Studio v3.0 menu under About Toon Boom Studio.

The build number will be in the bottom right of the credit window.

Best regards,


Oops, I meant to post that
Build 105 ;D

Also, I decided t continue working and just re-do whatever I screwed up and I can suddenly undo again.
Perhaps a bug to keep in mind?


If the situation happens again can you note what exactly you had done before the undo stop working? This might give us a clue of what exactly might be in cause.

Thank you,


When TBS was crashing, I was using the "paint all"
What would happen is I would paint the shape, realise I painted it the wrong color, and (it’s a habit) i would press command+z, then TBS would dissapear. No warnings or error messages, and TBS would no longer be running from what I could see on the dock.

Hi ProdiG,

You mentioned they you had tried upgrading to 10.4.6. You might as well want to upgrade to 10.4.8 since it is free. The testing have been done on 10.4.7 originally so it would be a good idea to get to at least that version.

I will keep you updated if I find anything related to your issue.

Best regards,
