Storyboard pro will not open files

I just recently downloaded a trial version of Storyboard pro for my mac osx Yosemite. When I save my files and then go back to try and open them, an error message comes up saying "unable to read /Users/llamatamer/Documents/orebia/elements/Draw/Draw-1.tvg” and the program will not open it.

Just wondering if you can help me with this issue as now I can’t access any of my work.

Having the similar problem as “freaksdontbite” only Im using windows version and error message comes up I do not suficient permission to open the folder pathway.can anyone help with this issue

Hey, same error for me too. Also using trial version with yosemite…any solution ?
Thanks in advance :)))
Bad after working several hours on a project :wink:

Use Storyboard Pro to open the orebia.sboard file in the orebia folder. You do not open the .tvg files directly - the software accesses them through the project itself.