Storyboard Pro 5.1 Static Camera tool

Hello, I run Storyboard Pro version 5.1 on my Mac, and sometimes switch the license to use it on my Portable Cintiq, which runs Windows. When I use the software on Mac, I am able to use the Static Camera tool, which I was able to add on the left side of the tool bar, above the dynamic camera tool. For some reason I can’t remember how to add it again on this new machine. Can anyone please remind me?
The tool icon is of a camera with the cartoon glove next to it.
Thanks so much.

Thanks, I’ll reach out. Something must have gotten corrupted.

Thanks for the reply rkriz, the problem is that the Static Camera tool is not on my toolbar.

It works exactly the same on Windows. Just click the static camera tool on the main
toolbar (icon of a camera with the cartoon glove next to it.). Then with the static camera
tool active manipulate the borders of the camera box (or the small green boxes) to
resixe/move/rotate the camera.

Right-click an open area on the toolbar and select “Customize”. Make sure the “Tools” toolbar is active.
If that doesn’t help then contact support. Something may have corrupted your users preferences on this

Hi there!
I’ve been struggling with this, and didn’t want to have to pay for customer support to find an answer. I was googling it again this morning when I found your post and I JUST JUST JUST figured out the answer.

Edit>Preferences>Camera tab
check ‘Camera by Panel Compatibility Mode’ and restart the software.

I restarted and the Static Camera Tool was there!
I know it’s been a year since you posted, but I figured I would share the solution.