Sound not working in Toon Boom Harmony Essentials

I recently purchased Toon Boom Harmony Essentials and have been trying to figure out how to make imported sounds work. When I import a sound it shows a flat black line and nothing I do has fixed the problem yet. Does anyone have an Idea on what I should do to erradicate this problem?

Currently Windows 10 has trouble installing Quicktime 7.7.8 but it does
work with Quicktime 7.7.6 which you can find on

Well it may be something you have tried but it caught me out. I hadn’t clicked the enable sound icon. The Speaker with the S next to it. Could see the sound but could not hear it. Try that.

“Our software uses QuickTime (Not QuickTime Player) to process image and sound.
Please check that it’s up to date on your computer and if it’s not, upgrade it and restart your computer.”
-Alexis Duclaux

Thank you Alexis

Have you tried either of these approaches?

  1. From the top menu bar choose File => Import => Sound

Or 2. click on the rectangle of three horizontal lines in the upper corner of the Timeline and choose Import Sounds. Navigate to your file and click Open to import it in.

I have tried both of those approaches but even though the sound has been imported it wont play. All that appears is a black line where the sound waves should be. Thank you for replying, though.