[SOLVED] how to customize a template's preview in the library ? :/

Hi ! I created templates of cut-out puppets by selecting the keyframes in the timeline and dropping them in the library.
The problem is : the preview shows the puppet before any transformations and such, and whatever the pose the preview is the same.

Is there a way to change the preview of a template with a screenshot (or imported image) ?

Any clue is welcome, thanks !

(I’m using Harmony Premium v.15.0.4 on Mac)


There is a way to do that.

Go to your template folder (in the explorer) and in the “.thumbnails” folder, delete all of the generated PNGs.
Then if you want just one image as thumbnail, paste one in this directory and name it “t-0001.PNG”.
If you want a PNGs sequence, paste the list here with the same naming convention “t-0001.PNG”, “t-0002.PNG”, …

So you can first export your animation in Png sequence with the good namings, and paste them here.
The only risk is that if you double click on the template in the library, it will re-generate the thumbnails with what the template contains.
So be careful with that.
Otherwise, it’s as simple as that.

Hope it helps.


If it solves your issue, please rename the thread with [SOLVED] at the beginning.

thanks very much eAthis for your reply !

I can’t find the .thumbnails folder though, even after following this guide :

I do have the “elements”, “environments”, “frames”, etc folders but still no “.thumbnails” after generating thumbnails. They have to be somewhere though !
I’m using a Mac so maybe that’s the reason… Is it hidden or organized differently on Mac ?

Thanks !


Yeah, fuc#%g Mac ^^.

I think you have the folder, but Mac doesn’t allow the display of folder with strange name (like starting with a dot).

So try to do “command”+“shift”+"."

It should now show you the folder.
If it doesn’t work, you can try to open the terminal and type :

defaults write com.apple.finder AppleShowAllFiles -bool YES
killall Finder


defaults write com.apple.finder AppleShowAllFiles TRUE
killall Finder

One of these, sorry I don’t remember.

Tell me if it helps.


Yes ! It was hidden indeed, thx ! :slight_smile: