Simple understanding of motion tween in TB studio 4.5

I am fairly use to programs like this to animate, like flash, however here is my problem. I want to create a simple motion tween to make an object from small to big so the transition looks smooth otherwise I would have to do it frame by frame. I read the tutorials and it has just gone over my head, can some tell me how it is done in simple to understand instructions. I use the drawing view before going to the camera view to look at everything. If someone could help it would be much appreciated, and would save me time and energy.
Thanks ;D


To make an element go from small to big:

1. Select your element from the timeline and bring the red cursor to the first frame where you want the element to be small.
2. Pick the Transform tool from the Animation tool set.
3. Pick one of the corner of the element and click and drag to make it smaller.
4. Bring the red cursor in the timeline to the frame you want the element to be bigger.
5. Pick one of the corner of the element and click and drag to make it bigger.

This is one of many ways to get it done, you could also use the 3D environment of the software to bring the element further from the camera using the top or side view.

Best regards,


Hi Ugo,
The only problem I have with this is the transition still isn’t smooth would I have to do this every 2 frames or something?? Sorry I guess my brain still isn’t processing what you are trying to say. Can this done with multiple elements?



First, if the transition is not smooth it may simply be that you are moving the element too fast across the screen. Be aware that you can set a start and end position and it will automatically move the element from point A to B through the time you have given for the animation to complete itself. If the time is too short the animation will be somewhat choppy. If the element is not moving across but simply jumping from location A to B this is probably caused by the fact the element is in the wrong animation mode. Go to the top menu Edit(win)/Toon Boom Studio v.X(mac)>Preferences>Sceneplanning tab and make sure Create Constant Keyframe is not checked.

As for the moving multiple elements at the same time you could attach all of the elements to a peg and move that simple peg. This will move everything underneath.

Best regards,
