Shortcut for Play Forward and shortcut mess


Im looking for a hotkey for Play Forward, but I havent found anything.

Is there any hotkey for that at all?

Also there`s a little mess in shortcut editor.

Increase Exposure is in Exposure Sheet list, and Decrease Exposure is under Timeline. It was quite confusing.

Animate / Preferences / Shortcuts / General / Toggle Playback…
Assign any “unused” key to it…


Sigh, there it is!

Thanks, Nolan, now I love Animate even more! :slight_smile:

Please what the shortcut key for playforward in toon boom Harmony Premium 20… I have gone to edit<shortcuts<
Couldn’t find it… Or what’s it called . Maybe it’s under a different name?

Hi, it’s under Toggle Playback and it’s assigned to Shift + Enter