Service Pack? - what Service Pack?

So TBS has brought out Service Pack 1 for V.3.5 and emails me to recommend I download this Service Pack by visiting their web site.

But on opening the download page there is no sign of a Service Pack download available. The only hint that something is new is the version labelled 3.5.1 of TBS. But when I come to download that it would appear to be a complete version of TBS (not just the Service Pack). Have I missed something or should the email to me announcing there was a Service Pack should have actually read that they have upgraded the program?

So when I get the new version downloaded and put a shortcut to it on my desktop the suggested name which pops up for this shortcut is TBS (2). Where on earth did this title come from? Has someone forgotten to change it to TBS (3) perhaps? Anyway, no harm done as I can easily change the suggested shortcut name to whatever I want to call it. How about “This might be the latest TBS version - who knows?”

However, in view of the above confusion, I was not convinced I had correctly downloaded the new version so opened the “About TBS” page to discover this version is labelled as V3.5.099 (not V3.5.1 which I thought I had downloaded)

What a mess. The managing of this new version has been slip shod to say the least. Someone should have tried this and updated things before going public.

These are one and the same. The 099 is the build number. It is issued as a complete version but it is in fact a revised updated release of V3.5. The 3.5.1 was probably added by someone in marketing to indicate that it was now Vista ready. Enjoy the update and cut these poor schmoes some slack. ;D