Searching specific nodes in net work view

Hello. Is there any way to find specific nodes in network view?
When network view gets messy, it’s hard to find display and composite nodes, so I want to find them with one click or something. Do I need to make a new script?

Hi slintest

When layer or module is active (click it in timeline) use shortcut o to center the module in the network view.(networkwview must be active)
This can also be done the other way around.

Best regards

Hi slintest

When layer or module is active (click it in timeline) use shortcut o to center the module in the network view.(networkwview must be active)
This can also be done the other way around.

Best regards

there is also a couple of scripts to organise network view into a new tree when it becomes a mess of scrambled eggs! If you aren’t ordering your network view I suggest you do.

Thank you for you advice.