Re:Tutorial Request

Thank you as always. Those tips help. I’m sorry but I am pretty new to this, can you tell me what a “raster graphic” is?

Also, while I’m asking silly questions, could you give me a quick definition of what the HSV values represent in color choosing?
I understand that the V controls the brighness but I don’t have a background in computer graphics and don’t understand the H and S.
Thank you again.

I wanted to suggest a tutorial for when one of you fine folks has too much time on their hands. In reading the user guide, I have seen scattered throughout, many recommendations regarding reducing your file size. These include choosing line tools, merging overlapping objects, cloning etc. Often when I get a large file, I’m not sure what I did that caused it to bulk up (sound, imported images, compression choice, etc).
Also, I’m not sure if there are ways to tell what parts of your work are contributing the most to the overall size. Can I tell how big a template or a particular element is?
I thought it would be great if someone could maybe do a tutorial where you do all the wrong things at first and then by making alternative choices, get the same visual results but in a much smaller exported file.

Here are some good rules of thumb in understanding file size issues. (File size for SWF distribution is different than file size for MOV distribution)

1. Number of vector points is a significant source of file size. You can visually see the number of vector points in a shape by using the contour select tool. Draw Top layer is a great tool to keep the number of vector points lower. Flattening is also a great tool for the same reason.

2. Complexity and number of calculations is also another thing that increases file size. Lots of tweening and complex hierarchies increase calculations.

3. Using a lot of raster graphics can increase file size significantly or drawing too complex an image using vector graphics can also be a file hog.

4. Sound files can also be big file space additions.

There is a lot of trial and error involved. -JK

Good questions: A raster graphic is one that uses bit mapping to define pixels to make up the picture. Examples are bmp, jpg,gif,png tga.

Here is a reasonably good discussion of HSV HUE SATURATION AND VALUE for color mapping. -JK

Thank you very much.