Re:Fuction Editor: Velocity

I guess we can use the Velocity from FE to ease in and out a camera shot, am I not right here?

Hello again.

Can anyone (please) explain how to modify a velocity of an animation using the Function Editor? Can I use this function to speed up or slow down a movement in a scene?

Thanks a lot in advance :slight_smile:


Hi Hamid,

The velocity will make your elements ease in or out in between 2 points but will not necessarily accelerate your your animation throughout the scene but rather give you acceleration and deceleration.

The easiest way to get this effect is to first have your keyframe in the velocity section of the function editor being in synch with the ones from your animation (basically if you have a keyframe on frame 1 and 10 make a keyframe on frame 1 and 1 in the function editor using the arrow with a + icon. Then select the first keyframe from which you want the effect to be applied and use the default ease icons in the top right of the function editor (you can use the down arrow to get more presets).

Then preview your animation and see if the effect suits you. You can always adjust it by playing with the handles afterward. Be aware that you should avoid moving the keyframe that you have created in the velocity editor 100% (up and down) for if you move your key to 100% before the end of the scene you might get some weird behavior with the peg such has jerking movement due to the fact that the movement has no acceleration.

Best regards,


Thanks Ugo, I will try to experiment with what you have just said and let you know if I got the effect I wanted from the FE.

Many many thanks…


Hi Hamid,

Indeed you can use it for camera movement. Be aware though that you will need to add the velocity to the parent peg of the camera and not the camera itself for it is the movement of the camera you want to affect.

Best regards,
