Question on how to extend exposure without extra stuff popping out.

Example: I have a character made up of X number of layers, of which some are not intended to be always visible. Say, a hat on the character’s head.

When I copy and paste the character WITHOUT THE HAT SHOWING (library drawing = 0) from one place in the film to another using Paste Special, with ‘No exposure extension’ so I am sure it won’t connect parts to the previous frames, Animate puts the hat back in.
So I have to backtrack, sometimes for long tracts of frames, and erase the hat.

If I paste him again, Hey Presto, the hat appears again. Every time… O_O

And this regardless of wether I have the character in Keyframes or not.

How can I avoid this? I.e., how can I tell Animate to paste EXACTLY what I copied and nothing else?


I am at a loss again… I want to assign a drawing to a range of frames. Say, from 100 to 130.I select the range, go to the library slider, slide to the drawing I want.Animate CONNECTS frame 100 to a previous frame, way before, and to a later frame, way after. So basically, the drawing I added is now visible in parts of the film I don’t want it to be.You’d assume that by selecting the frames you’re telling the software that’s where you want the drawing. But no, I’m assuming wrongly.I have tried everything, it just DOES IT. It wants to connect with other frames.The question is: is there a way to assign a drawing to a specific range of frames without Animate connecting those frames to other frames of the same layer?thank you, help badly needed…Josh

And by the same token… why does Animate connect tweens where I don’t want them?Example: I click cmd-K to put a tween between two keyframes, but I get a long tween that extends before and after those keyframes. How do I make it tween only the two keyframes I want it to?thanks again.I know I am posting many questions, but the Guide simply doesn’t tell you all this detailed stuff.Josh

hi LillyYes, I also noticed the inconsistent behaviour when using the Drawing Slider.You do a couple of undos, or say something it likes and hey, it doesn’t connect. Yes, worth looking into.About the keyframes (keyframes, not drawings), I am under the impression that also this behaviour is also sort of erratic, connecting more keyframes than I intended it to. I may be wrong, I need to check this again.thank you,Josh

I just tried this and it worked for me. I had two layers, both under a peg. It looked like this:


So I collapsed the peg and I copied frame 3 to frame 9, and I did a Paste Special with no extend exposure on. I received the following result:


It was not extending the exposure of either drawing. Are you sure you did a Paste Special and not a regular paste? Remember with the Paste Special options, that when you do a paste special, it doesn’t change what your regular paste does. If you want to keep using the saved Paste Special options, then you need to do a Paste Special Again.


About the exposure filling in when you use the drawing slider, I know that we can turn off the Extend Exposure for a drag, and for a paste, but when you use the slider, it doesn’t have that ability to turn it off.

I was playing around with it and I have some inconsistent behaviour. I turned off Extend Exposure in my drag options, and now, the first time I drag the slider, it fills in the exposure, but if I undo and re-do it, then it doesn’t fill in the exposure.

This is something that we’ll have to dig into a little to see what the true behaviour is, and make it more robust.

About the keyframes, keep in mind that drawings and keyframes are separate. A drawing is indicated by a grey line, and a keyframe is indicated by a black dot. You can have many grey lines, indicating many drawings, but only two actual keyframes. When you create a motion keyframe, what it does is it looks for every key (every black dot) that you’ve selected, and converts this into a motion keyframe, interpolating between this key and wherever the next key is. So you need to make sure that you actually create keys on the drawings where you want the interpolation to stop.


The only thing I can think of is there’s also a behaviour for drag and drop of keyframes, where you can set it up so that when you drag and drop, it creates keyframes at the beginning and end of where your selection is, or not. Meaning if you make a selection that’s bigger than the keyframes you’re interested in, then you drag, you can either have it add keyframes at the beginning and the end of your selection, or simply move whatever keyframes exist inside of the selection.

This sounds like an unrelated issue, though. I’ve never personally experienced inconsistent behaviour with the motion/stop-motion keyframes, but I can run some more tests to see if anything crops up.
