Problem positioning and cell cycle.

I created an animation of a man on the run, with 3-cell … Creo 2 cycles, a total of 2 loops 6 cells. Then I position the character of the 4 cell to the right where he completed the first cycle.
Because the program automatically repositioned to the right I also design the first cell?
I tried in every way, from camera view to drawing view, using onion skins, copy and incolalndo cells in the timeline, but to no avail. Damn, really beginning to get angry …
I use toon boom studio basic>:(

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I created an animation of a man, with 3-cell … Creo 2 cycles, for a total of 6 cells. Then I position the man in the cell 4 to the right where he completed the first cycle.
Because the program automatically repositioned to the right also the first cell? why does this?

I use Toon Boom Studio Basic

You need to create a keyframe on the first frame, even if you want the character to stay at the same position.

I tried but it does not work.
I inserted a keyframe in the first and last frame. And there’s no way, I always moves the first drawing. If some moderator has been kind enough to answer me …

Look at the picture of my problem.

I believe the problem is that you are trying to animate the drawing with the select tool from the drawing view. In that case, if you made a cycle, the exposure will repeat and if you modify the drawing with the drawing tools, the changes will be applied to all of the cells that have this drawing exposed.

If you look in the exposure sheet, you should see the name of the drawings from top to bottom you should see 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. As you can see, if you modify the 6th frame, you are changing both instances of drawing 1.

The answer to this is keyframes. These will only be visible in the camera view. You will be able to manipulate them with the Scene planning tools only (Transform, etc.)

I hope this is helpful.

Thanks now it works!
I created a loop by putting two keyframes on the first cell and a last cell. I created an animation is not constant and it worked.
Many thanks ;D