PDF output formatting.

Hello, all.

I’m trying to output my current set of boards to a PDF using specific storyboard format that a company has given me. Unfortunately I don’t know my way around the PDF Profile editing pane. I’ve tried my best to find a way to edit a pre-existing PDF Exporting Parameters, but to no avail.

Any help would be greatly appreciated. I’ve attached an image so that you kind people will have a point of reference. Thanks in advance for all your input.


If you want to have on panel per page, there is pre-designed template called ‘Full Page’ in Storyboard Pro 2, 3D and 4 that you can edit especially the Storyboard tab>Penels tab> in PDF profile windows by pressing Edit in PDF export.

Hi ericE,

Have you had any luck with your PDF template problem? I’m having the same issue at the moment. The solution offered is one way around it but I would much prefer the option to use the PSD template supplied by the client (as would they)


You could get them to send you the pdfoptions.xml file from
C:\Users[username]\AppData\Roaming\Toon Boom Animation\Toon Boom Storyboard Pro\full-[versionNumber]-pref
and place them in the same location for your user on your system.

On Mac, the path is:
/users/[nameOfUserAccount]/Library/Preferences/Toon Boom Animation/Toon Boom Storyboard Pro/full-[versionNumber]-pref/

i’ve had luck with choosing the 3 panel per page option then telling it to use only one panel. this way i can have all the dialog and other notes on the same page which for some reason the full page doesn’t allow and always prints on a second page.