Node view tools

Hi! I can’t find tools in Node view (for example Select multiple objects)… Do you know if it´s because I have Premium version for students or it´s some settings I can fix? There is a screenshot of my program (no tools in Node view) and the one from one of the tutorials.

Right-click in the top of the node view window and there you can select to view the tools.

I hope you find it.

Thank you! It kind of worked but in a weird way xD Now it has two tabs of Node view one with tools and one with none. If I close the one with no tools, they disappear in the one that remains. I´ll add a news screenshot.

I dont think there is a point to have two node views open.

Or did you have an idea with that?

dont open up a new node view by clicking the ±tab.
right-click on head of node view and you see this meny appear and choose the one at the top.

I hope this helps.

Yes, it´s fixed now. It was just some bug, not opening properly for a while.