No layer layer opacity in Storyboard?

Really? Thats got to be a joke.


TB users have tried to persuade me for years to move over to Storyboard.

Back to Photoshop for me.

Hi Knunik
The top right side of the camera window-frame displays the layers.
On the very top is a double “arrow”. If you press this double “arrow” it expands to a layers window. On top of this window is the layers opacity adjustment.(Storyboard Pro 2 and 3D only.)

Best regards

Thanks for the reply ivaar but as you see by the title Im using storyboard so Im out of luck I guess. The studio doesn’t use TB products but I thought I would dip my toe in with SB. I dont see layer opacity as a pro feature. I don’t see any reason to change our workflow to TB.

If you really want to know why users prefer Storyboard Pro to a Photoshop workflow, then truthfully the best thing is to let us do a remote demo for you to show you the workflow. All studios that I know use Storyboard Pro, not Storyboard, due to the number of tools and options available in Storyboard Pro.

If you would like to schedule a remote demo, contact
