Ninja cartoon project

This is from a series of tutorials about creating a basic animation from start to finish in Toon Boom Animate.

Here is the animation we will create;

Here is the first tutorial;

As always super happy to see anyone else making tutorials :smiley:

Mind/would you like me to post it on the betterflashanimation blog?

So YOU made all that awesome content! :o
I’d love to contribute to the blog, but wasn’t sure how.
My name is Marty Bish and my site is;

Thanks James!

Thanks for the kind comment.

I only contribute to the blog, I don’t run it. I posted your tutorial up with the credit according to your post(just let me know if something is wrong).

I am always happy when someone else makes tutorials. When I started there was pretty much nothing except the kickstart videos and couple from cartoonsmart.

Now we have lots which is great. I still love watching other peoples tutorials.

I will be back with more tutorials of my own next week (with vastly improved sound!).

Hurray!!! :wink: