motion-keyframes on the peg

Hi all!I’m new on the field and I’m having this problem on the tutorial lesson 4. It’s Says that when you activate the Motion tool two key frames should appear on the peg. Unfortunately , I can always detect just one (the left one, corresponding to the first). what should I do?
ThanKs in advance

When using the motion tool the following steps are suggested:

1. Activate the motion tool
2. Move to the desired starting frame for your motion on the desired element track.
3. From the context menu (right click) select add a keyframe to establish your starting motion key.
4. Move to your desired ending frame for this motion on that same element track.
5. From the context menu (right click) select add a keyframe to establish your ending motion key.
6. move back to the starting frame for this motion and from the context menu (right click) select set non constant segment to enable your motion tweening.
7. move the starting motion key (the arrow points from your left to the right) to your desired location in 3D space.
8. go to the ending motion keyframe and move the ending motion key (the arrow points from your right to the left) to your desired location in 3D space.
9. adjust the motion path as desired including using the function editor to set the velocity along the motion path.

Those are the basic steps. -JK

YEah! Awesome. ThanKs