Memory Usage

I’ve installled Toon Boom 4.5 on a Mac Pro 8 core, with 6 gigabites of RAM. Everything works well enough, but TB only uses one of the eight processors at a time, and surely does’nt use all the available RAM… :’(
Is there a way to solve this problem? In “Memory Usage” there is justa a little possibility to improve memory, are there other ways to operate?

I guess “TBS 4.5” is not fully optimized yet to take advantage of Multi-core-technology,
higher RAM use, or 64-bit versions…?
(…but I have no doubts, that the Toon Boom Team is already working on this ?)
(…first I guess at “Digital Pro” and “Animate” ?)

That might all change with the introduction of faster “Graphic-Processing-Units” (GPU)
e.g. “NVIDIA GeForce 8800 or 9600” - Photoshop CS4 is apparently already able to use the GPU’s to their full advantage…?

It’s quite impressive to see a render with a Squad-Core-Workstation,
(…8 render lines doing their job in no time).
Some of the 3D animation software (like Cinema 4D) take full advantage already.
(max 4GB RAM with 32-bit under Tiger, but apparently as much RAM as you have available with 64-bit under Leopard)

Let’s hope, that the “Toon Boom Team” is listening…
