Is lip sync with bitmap images possible?

I’m trying to create a lip sync with bitmap images, and it’s not going well?

Should I reimport my Photoshop files and vectorize them?



Works pretty well:

Very cool!

I’ve gone through all these steps, and I’ve had a lot of success when I draw the artwork in Harmony, but when I map the mouth shapes using the Photoshop bitmap images the mouth shapes disappear.

So, I’m still stuck.

Any suggestions would be most appreciated.



Auto Lip-Sync Detection.
Map Lip-Sync.
Make sure the drawing names are exactly identical as in the Library / Timeline.
Mouse over those drawings to see the name, or look in the Parameters, or in the Library Preview Window.
If the names are not correct, the images will disappear.

Thanks Nolan! I’ll do that!



P.S. I’m back… Still not working. I should mention that when I try to map the lip sync I don’t see the “mouth” layer. It just shows multiples of the “Grass” layer. It also sees an empty “Drawing” layer so I used that one. I can see the mouth shapes on that layer, and I’ve tried to copy and paste the names of the mouth shapes into the library, but it can’t find the artwork with that name. (even though I copy and pasted it from the library when I click on the mouth shape in the mouth layer)

I’ll keep trying, but please send me a note if any of this makes sense to you. Thanks very much for your help.

Not really…?

Can you provide a download-link of your project file ?