How to recreate outlines / stroke appearance?


I have a question about the outlines.
Until now I was using “flash”. Now, for my new movie-project, I try to learn Animate Pro 2. Unfortunately, some things are not always quite clear to me, even after reading the manual.

For example:
There is a tool besides the normal filling tool in flash to produce lines around an object. I think the english translation for it is “tint-tool”.

After deleting outlines of an obejct in flash you can simply click on the color area without the outlines using this “tint-tool” and they are created again.

Does such a feature exists in " Animate", too? The possibility to give invisible strokes a color? Or completing a color area like in “flash” with an outline afterwards again?

A good example is: I have a brush-stroke and I want around this brush-area a pencilline-outline.

Here, I postet a little picture of the flash-tool:

Another question:
is it possible, to create pencil-lines with square endings, like in Flash or Illustrator? It seems in Animate, lines have just rounded endings. (This is not always usefull);action=display;threadid=1928

Thank you very much!!! I have written so many words, for such a short and uncomplicated solution for this “problem”. :wink:
(Yesterday, I used the search-function but didn’t find the answer you postet.)

Do you have a link for my second question? :slight_smile:
Is it possible, to create pencil-lines with squared endings, like in Flash or Illustrator? It seems in Animate, lines have just rounded endings.

Also the corner-connections of two lines. They are always rounded.
Is there a possibility to switch from rounded to edged line-connections?

Here, a picture:

This is not possible right now. The only type of pencil end that we have is the rounded end.

Toon Boom Support

Ok, good to know. Thank you!