How to hide the "Parameters" section of the timeline in Harmony 17 Premium

Somehow I expanded the timeline to show the “Parameters” section, and I do not know how to hide it. In my timeline there is the name of the layers on the far left, and normally as I look more to the right there would just begin the timeline with the frames on it. Now, though, there is the name of the layers on the far left, and then just to the right of that there is a section that says has a headline of parameters with just a bunch of blank space underneath it on every layer, and then the timeline with the frames on it. It is annoying to have this parameters section visible because it takes up a lot of space on the screen for nothing, and I find my self having to constantly drag the spacing of the timeline as I’m animating, in order to be able to see the names of the layers I am animating on. I would normally not have to do this because there is enough space to see the names of the layers when the parameters section is hidden.

There is a tiny blue line with a square dot in bottom left corner

Thank you! That was very helpful.