How much to charge for animation work

I wonder if any body could give me any advice on how much to charge for an animation I have been commissioned to do.

The duration is just over 2 minutes in length.

The company is a clothing company and the animation is to promote their brand.

I have estimated that it would take me 3-4 weeks to complete as it similar ing length to a pervious one that was commissioned to do but unlike this latest one it was done mainly as a favour.

It would be very similar in style to "Cow Boy Teddy’

As an example you can find ‘Cow Boy Teddy’ at, commissioned to help promote good virtues in 3-5 yr range.

Thanks in advance of any feed back

There’s a couple of pretty good articles on this subject from Cartoon Brew:

When Cartoon Brew published a crowdfunding report last month, we cataloged the per-minute costs of various high-profile animation projects on Kickstarter. The costs ranged from $3,333 to 13,750 per minute of completed animation.