How do I draw a background???

Hi, I just recently gotten Toon Boom so I am new at it…
how do I draw the background to something?
I originally drew a scene which leaves where blowing but i guess u have to draw the background first???

someone please?

Well, what are you trying to achieve with your background…?

One could use an image…
One could use several images with alpha-channel (transparent background)
One could use several cut-out images…
One could use images and “vectorize”…
One could draw all the objects required directly in Studio…

Whatever you decide… place your objects into different Z-positions (depths)…
This might create the desired illusion of a 3D space…

If you like, here is some more information:


You can create your background at any time in the process. It doesn’t have to be first. You can create your background in a single layer or in multiple layers. Each element is a layer. You might want to read this page from the Cartooning in Toon Boom WIKI to get a better understanding of layering elements in TBS.


The layering and the arrangement of elements can be adjusted as needed. -JK