How do I delete my custom resolution?

Hello everyone,

I just wanted to change my scene resolution because I noticed that it’s not appropriate for my current project.
But before adding a new custom resolution to the list, I want to delete the old one first. Otherwise it would end up in a total mess if I always keep old custom resolutions.

But HOW? There is no option to remove custom resolutions. I can only add new resolutions, but how do I get rid of them?

So I already fired up Google and found out that there’s a resolutions config file in Toon Boom/tba/resources/samples/
but unfortunately, there’s only a list containing standard resolutions like full HD, 4k etc.

Where are my custom resolutions located so I can delete them?

Actor and Actors are my custom resolutions, see image below.

Thank you!

Open the “Welcome Screen” (Help / Show Welcome Screen)
Select your Custom Resolution / Hit the minus button.

Oh, never noticed these buttons in the welcome screen! That was it, thank you!