Harmony Premium Life Time License

what are the limits to the life time license

  • do i need to have internet connectivity after activation for any reason
  • do i need to return life time license to reinstall it on a new OS or new PC or upgraded hardware
  • do i need to buy more than one life time license for each PC harmony premium is installed on

You need internet access only to activate and return the license.
You need to return the license before reinstalling a computer or to move the license to another computer.
Harmony can be installed on multiple computers, but through the activate/return licensing server can only be active on one machine at a time with one license.

ok thank you

  1. You can also do email activation/deactivation in new Harmony however, this requires email back and forward between license department so the procedure will be longer and more complicated than online activation which is instant. Email activation is only ideal for the system which has no direct internet connection as alternative solution.

  2. Correct

  3. Correct but the return/deactivation is limited 5 times within 2 days (48 hours) and has a cool down (48 hours) time for single license. But as long as it does not get exceeded, it is fine. For example, if you return the license in the morning from home and then activate it at work and then return the license from the work so that you can activate it at home same day evening, this counts 2 deactivation which will never violate the return policy for single license.