Harmony 20 run under Ubuntu 20.04


I write this post just for give this info, although Harmony is not supported for Ubuntu, run perfectly in this distribution, you just need create new symbolic link:

“libstdc++.so.6 → /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libstdc++.so.6” in the folder “/usr/local/ToonBoomAnimation/harmonyPremium_20/lnx86_64/lib”

Obviusly after install all dependencies. The only bug I found is in Licence Wizard, I got a error with activation by email, but I can activated licensed by internal server.

I think Ubuntu is best way than CentOS 7.8, because CentOS is a old version…In Ubuntu is easer find Krita, Blender, Kdenlive…

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Just wanted to say this is very useful and report that it works great.

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from where can I download the tar file (or however it is packaged?)

I would very much like to try to install it on my UBUNTU, however, I could not understand the tutorial for installing the dependencies, and also this Symbolic Link that you mentioned. Do you have a video tutorial to explain? How did you go about installing it?

dependencies would be same as the Centos 7.3 how-to Harmony 22 Installation Documentation: About GNU/Linux Installation

symbolic link creation command would be
ln -s existing_source_file symbolic_link