Font not appearing in Text Tool Options dropdown

Toon Boom Harmony Essentials 16
Windows 10

Hi everyone, I installed a .otf file to my C: > Windows > Fonts folder, however it doesn’t appear on the dropdown list on ‘Text Tool Options’. Does anyone know what might be causing this please?

rkriz was able to resolve this issue for me, but it took a few suggestions, message him on support.

Hi, ok, I found one, installed it to the windows font folder. Unfortunately it didn’t appear in the dropdown list in the Text tool, in fact, it looks like a completely different set of fonts compared to the windows folder? Could Toon Boom be pulling the list from elsewhere?

Normally the software can access system fonts.

Did you restart the system after installing the font?
Do you have access to the font in other Windows applications?

Yes I tried a system restart.

Yes, I was able to use the font in Gimp - although I had to tell Gimp where to look fir it first, I wonder if Toon Boom requires the same?

Try doing a full shutdown and restart.
By shutdown, I mean completely power-off the computer.

Hi, sorry for late reply. Yes, I usually shut-down by computer every night, but I tested this by removing the power cable. Unfortunately the font is still not appearing in the list.

Try finding a True Type (.ttf) version of the font and install that to the Windows
Fonts folder.

Perhaps you could contact support to have a look on your system.
Normally Fonts the system can use are also available in the software.

Hi, have you fixed it? I have identical problem…

I’m having the same problem on Toon Boom Harmony 17 Premium v17.0.2 on a Windows 10 PC. I installed 2 TTF fonts on my PC. Both fonts are available in other programs like Adobe Animate and Microsoft Word but not in Harmony.

Does Harmony not support using system fonts and is limited to only the fonts that come installed with it?

I have the same problem. Fonts available in all other software. This has been ongoing for quite sometime.

I seem to have fixed this issue, I navigated to the Toon Boom program files, found the fonts folder, and dropped them in there. I can now access them within Harmony.

Location was C:\Program Files (x86)\Toon Boom Animation\Toon Boom Harmony 20 Premium\resources\fonts

Hope that helps, I was having to type stuff in MS Paint, then import it to TBH to use it, this makes life a lot easier! :slight_smile:


Try to locate the “fonts” folder in the installation folder.
On Windows it is :
C:\Program Files (x86)\Toon Boom Animation\Your Harmony version\resources\fonts
Place the font file there and start Harmony.

Any better ?
