Export Optimization

Hi, I know I’ve found this topic on the forums before, but can’t find it now.
I’ve got a 7-minute animation (TBA). When I export it with H.264 codec,
it gives me a 1.4 Gb .mov. This is too big to send on my iCloud server.
I then tried the 720 24p (I forget the exact name) codec and it was still (barely) over a gig (too big). Is there a list of what codecs will result in what file sizes? I don’t want to try a different one every night forever.
Also, a film fest wants me to submit as a .avi . Is there a way I can do that through Toon Boom, or another application?
Thanx a lot,

Thanx Lilly. :slight_smile:

We cannot export directly to an avi. For the codecs, it’s not just the codec itself that will give you the file size, but also the quality that you set. The lower the quality, the more it compresses the file. So you might want to try to lower the quality and see whether you can get the file size down without compromising the look too much.
