Export of animations to Cocos2d-x 2.2


We currently use Toon Boom Harmony to create animations using traditional sprite sheet methods, however these are now growing unwieldy in size.

The following page,


states that there is a direct export of animations for Cocos2d-x from Toon Boom Harmony. I believe this means bone animations/armatures and not just sprite sheets.

I have two questions regarding this functionality that I can’t seem to find any information on:

  1. How do we export to Cocos2d-x?, and,
  2. How do we import the animations into Cocos2d-x? Is there some code we need to compile in like Spine?

Many thanks in advance,


Someone may be able to provide the answer here but in the meantime you should contact support with this question. If you get a description from them please post it here. Thank you.