Effect consistency.

I like how i can use one colour pallete to control a character in multiple scenes.

But is this also possible with effects?
For example: if i change the colour of a character’s highlight effect module, it will be changed in all the scenes.

I hope so :slight_smile:

Kind regards


another question:
is it also possible to have the same effect (same highlight module) for multiple characters in the same scene…

I tried ‘‘cloning’’ the Highlight effect layers,but that didn’t work for some reason…

hm so you can save effects in the library as templates…
but this doesn’t work like symbols, clones or linked palletes. I want to be able to change the effect afterwards and seeing the change in every scene. I want to have them linked between multiple scenes, just like you can do with palletes.

‘’‘When you copy from the library and paste them into your new scene, you will replace the original art node with your new character or prop.’’’
What do you mean with this?
And can you maybe tell me the name of the After Effects feature you are talking about? :slight_smile:

And for the effect consistency in just one scene: i know the difference between cloning and duplicating. The problem is: cloning effects doesn’t work… I clone my highlight effect module… plug in into another drawing en create a matte drawing ect ect. and when i change the colour, or blur, it doesn’t change the original effect…

Thanks for you reply but i didn’t really ask for palletes consistency… I hoped my first sentence already made clear that i know how to use this feature. I am talking about effect modules… So not a ‘‘highlight’’ colour swatch, but i meant the hightlight effect module.

Thanks anyway :slight_smile:

I save effects setups by by copying and pasting them into the library. When you copy from the library and paste them into your new scene, you will replace the original art node with your new character or prop. If you are looking for something that works like Adobe After Effects, I don’t think you will find it.

Duplicate modules to use the same settings with another art node. Duplicating is a safe way to work in general. If you change something in a cloned node, the original node will now also be changed. This can cause a lot of trouble. Use clone only when you have a specific reason - like making a flock of birds where each clone can have it’s own peg. The peg changes position. The clones are not modified and therefore do not sabotage each other.

You’re on the right track, it is possible to do it but you need to be using element palettes rather than scene palettes. Before having access to the Element palette, you will need to enable “Advanced Palette Lists” on the “Advanced” tab of the preferences.

You need to clone the palette used to paint the element. Since the clone clones all colours, you can modify the color of the specific colour pot used for the highlight. Depending on which palette is closer to the top of the palette list, that version of the color will be read first and used. Knowing that each color pot has a unique “magic number” helps.

If you don’t need access to the original colour, you can avoid cloning and just change the colour in the (scene) palette whose color pot is used for the highlight. This requires that in all scenes where this highlight is used that the colour is provided from the same palette (NOT a copy of it). Remember that you can load a palette from another scene and/or link to it. Remember also that scene palettes are the default and if you already have multiple scenes, each one is using a different palette and the colour used to paint the effect in each scene has a different magic number even if the RGB values are the same.

Since this requires a bit of advance preparation, why not simply use a colour override to decide the colour of the highlight instead? I am aware that yes, you would need to apply it to all scenes manually but if you have not prepared this in advance it is the easier way to do it. Also the advanced palette system can be a bit technical and this often intimidates animators
since you need to have a good understanding how the palettes/colours work in Harmony.

Final note: the cloned colour/palette thing only works with Vetor elements, not bitmap as the colours/palettes of the vector/bitmap systems are completely different from each other.