Effect consistency. Can you save effects?

I like how i can use one colour pallete to control a character in multiple scenes.

But is this also possible with effects?
For example: if i change the colour of a character’s highlight effect module, it will be changed in all the scenes.

I hope so Smile

Kind regards


another question:
is it also possible to have the same effect (same highlight module) for multiple characters in the same scene…

I tried ‘‘cloning’’ the Highlight effect module, but that didn’t work for some reason…

Changing the highlight colour in one will not change it in all scenes, nor would you want this if you really think about the implications. The best way to do this is to make a template for your effect.

How are you going to clone a highlight when it depends on a matte component which is going to be different depending on what the highlight is being applied to? How is that any different from bringing in a new highlight module? I can understand making a template for complex effects but for something simple like a highlight it may not be worth the effort.

If you just want to use the same settings, why not just use a post-it where you have written the settings you like to use (or write it to a text file)?