Convert lines to fills

In Flash I have used a function “Convert lines to fills”, in Xara and CorelDraw I have found functions which do more or less the same (draw a line, convert it to a shape, this give you the opportunity to chance the shape of the line you have drawn). Is there a simular function in ToonBoom?

I use to use that feature quite often in Flash but have not felt the need to use it in Toon Boom. I used the line tool extensively in Flash but I prefer the brush tool in Toon Boom. That bit of trivia aside, I can’t find any reference to the capability to convert lines to fills in Toon Boom V3.0 although there is the ability to convert brush strokes (fills) to lines. Perhaps I have missed this line to fill conversion method but as I said I haven’t been able to find it discussed in any of the help files or manuals. -JK

Hi Moorsel and JK,

According to the 3.5 feature list, “Convert lines to brush” is listed as NEW.

I am not too familiar with FLASH so i do not know wether this is similar.


That’s right ! This feature is included in V3.5.
