compatible 3D software with Toon Boom

Is there a list of compatible 3D software for ToonBoom Harmony 14?

Please define what you mean by “compatible”.
Harmony and Storyboard can import 3D models in FBX format
from any 3D software.

So good to know! Using a 3D software that uses a FBX format works for me!
I looked FBX (filmbox) up in Wikipedia at:
and it showed the software products that use a FBX format.

There was a question and comment posted earlier here in the forum
that you could only import objects / models made in Maya to use in TB Harmony.

I am a beginner and I have so much to learn!

Thank you so much for clearing this up.

There are limitations regarding how well things work with Harmony depending on the 3D software.

Maya currently offers the greatest advantage.

Unfortunately, there is no viable alternative to maya for rendering 3d objects in their full glory in harmony.