Carrying items

Using cutout or bone animations, what is the best way to have a character walk in the room, pick up and item, and then throw it? is there anyway to temporarily link that prop or item to the characters hand, then unlink it when he throws it?

Thanx, I thought that might be the way it was approached…

In that link, it shows the boy bpiking up the shovel… WOuld the shovel still be animatibly seprately, even if he’s holding it? Say he wanted to twirl the shovel… Would it require a different cell per step in the twirl?

The “Twirl” would be rather animated on its own layer…

This would be my approach:
Create two identical (duplicate) shovel layer…
One is already in the scene and visible…
One is still invisible used later animating the twirl…

Create another cell “shovel with a hand” in the hand layer…
(right click one cell, “Duplicate Drawing” this creates an independent drawing,
paste the shovel into this cell, it’s now available for cell-swapping)

Now it’s all a matter of swapping this cells on their layers “making the shovel visible / invisible”
during the animation process…


While certainly a good woraround, does nobody balk at creating duplicates and duplicates of duplicates? Sorry, not trying to seem argumentative, but it just seems so archiac… With technology today, there’s no dynamic parenting? Oh well, I do it the old fashioned way then. Thanx.