Can you help me?

I have a website with a cool cartoon alligator (9 different cartoon drawings of Chomp, my alligator-mascot). I was thinking of buying the Toon Stuido to animate the 9 drawings I am NOT a geek or software savvy. Anyone would be interested in helping me animate the 9 drawings? How fast? How much/each/total?

If you are interested, let me know anmd I will send you to the website to check it out. Thanks.
S. Florida

first of all, if that’s your only interest in animation, you don’t need to invest the price of TBS. Even Studio express would be more than enough.

That said, if you provide a link to your site and/or drawings, you’ll probably drum up some more interest.
I appreciate your input.

A great character, please check your personal messages. -JK

indeed, I like the gator a lot. Let me know if you can’t find anyone to help you with this.
good luck

Someone said he could do something but is too busy now.

well, let me ask - when you say 9 drawings, do you mean
1 - you already have them & just want a cycle of those 9 frames in a loop?
2 - do you mean you have 9 drawings & each will be for a separate animation? if so, how long?

I might be interested in helping, just looking for some clarification on the workload

Pat and other readers,
I have had some conversations directly with Al on this topic. Actually he wants two things. He wants some GIF style animations based on the existing images where there is some simple movements included like a fishing pole moving or the character lifting and drinking a glass of lemonade etc. very basic stuff but the quality must be identical to the current art style. He also wants some lip synced guided tour type animations using the character, these are far more complex than the GIF style pieces. I certainly hope that someone here at the forums who does these types of website enhancements will contact Al and can help him out. He is a very nice man. Unfortunately, I am not available to help him although I really like the character he has adopted as his website mascot. -JK