Brush Import Load Issue

I’ve got a brush called NagelSeries33-Chalk3. I downloaded it off the net as part of a free package with the extension “.abr.” It works great in PhotoshopCS2.

I really want to use it in TB Storyboard Pro & Animate Pro as a texture pen. It looks like chalk or graphite in texture. TB only allows the user to import or load brushes as .tga or .psd files. I can’t seem to save (or make it correctly?) the brush texture in photoshop and get it to work right in TB. I painted one-click of my desired brush in black, on a white background in Photoshop and saved it as a .psd and also once as a .tga. When I open these files in TB, however, I get my brush but only as a painted stamp! It looks nothing like it does in Photoshop.

Does that make sense?

I’m happy to email anyone these two screen captures I have of my results if that’s helpful. Any other ideas for work arounds? Are there any brush packages for sale or for free that resemble charcoal or chalk, and are better than the standard toon boom texture pens?

Thank you,
