Arm in front and behind the body in rig

A noob question, but I’m doing my first Rig, and I don’t know how to make it, so the arms can be in front of the character or the back when need be. (ex: R-arm on front of the body when on right side view, but behind on left side view)
I’m thinking of using color override and drawing substitutions, but I want to know if there’s a better way. Or how is it usually done?

It’s all about Z-Depth.
Here is a link, better then me explaining it. Also better to name objects A and B or F(ront) and B*(ack)* if using the flip method in a rig.

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You can adjust the Z-depth of a drawing by selecting its peg and pressing Alt+(up arrow) or Alt+(Down Arrow).
Additional make sure that the composite nodes they are connected to are set to Pass Through in their properties (The yellow box in the node view). The default setting, “As Bitmap” flattens every element connected to each composite node so their Z-depth can’t be broken up.

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